My professional journey started at IMC. Aside from the fact that it remains my first experience in the advertising industry, it is my first experience working in a proper, formal setting. So, it is safe to say IMC was the first of many for me. From working directly with one of the smartest copywriters ever (my direct boss) to the entire team of IMC, I must say that my internship period has been eye-opening. Was it tough? Yes. Was it worth it? Most definitely. I am glad for the opportunity to start my advertising career at IMC. Going back to my first brainstorming session, it felt like I was in a Latin class, and I had to write a contact report! Yes, I know I’m a copywriter so you might be wondering why the contact report.
When you join IMC, it is a company culture to have a taste of each department for a couple of weeks to get familiar with the operational modalities —this helps with synergy. This experience allowed me to understand what each department brings to the table and a little bit of the intricacies on the job.
The purpose is to help you acquire a level of empathy for their jobs and I was surprised it actually worked! After writing a couple of contact reports and creating a brand guide for an imaginary brand, I knew where my direct calling was and I would never undermine what others do to make the work come alive.
I spent 6 months sharpening my skills, not just in copywriting, but in working with a team, and actually doing whatever it takes to bring life to our client’s dreams. I quickly understood that being good with words is one thing, and being efficient, timely and on the spot with the brand’s expectation was another. I learnt these things during my internship and it was such a beautiful experience—still beautiful as I am still here, as a Junior Copywriter!
Cheers to more growth as I go on this creative journey!
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We’re passionate about innovation, brilliant ideas and the execution that brings it all together in one beautiful experience. If you are too, call or send us an email to get started.
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