Communication is the simple act of exchanging information from one person, group or place to another. It’s a two-way exchange, where the sender relays the message and the receiver responds in kind ensuring the sender the information was received.
Advertising is a method of communication organisations and brands use to relay information to their customers who give feedback with how they interact with the product.
For an advert to be successful there are many levels of communication that have to be followed. The first step is between the organisation and the ad agency they hire. When an Ad Agency is hired, it is important the agency understands the vision the client has for the campaign, by asking relevant questions and keeping a report encompassing the details of all interactions. This way the client and agency can refer to the document when needed and makes addressing of concerns and being kept in the loop of activities easier.
It’s the agency’s job to ensure each of its departments working on an ad campaign completely understands the product and what is needed to best promote it. If a team doesn’t comprehend what the campaign is meant to achieve it leads to a problem. Which is why it is not only important to keep the client in the loop, but each department on a campaign, so everyone is always up to date. Doing this fosters a great communicating culture.
The agency has to have to be clear with instructions when working with personnel that are hired to promote an advert, such as Spot allocations with TV and Radio Stations, placing of adverts in periodicals: newspapers, magazines, printers for the Out of Home adverts and the people who put the adverts up. Effective communication ensures that the right advert is appropriately used, placed and aired, in order not to waste resources or cause a delay in a campaign’s timeline.
The last step is how the target audience perceives the advert, if all steps have been followed above, then the agency would have done the required research to best reach the organisation’s target audience, in order for them to not only see an advert but to interact with the organisation. By monitoring the organisation’s product for improvements such as more demand by consumer, tracking social media engagements, tracking how after an ad is aired if there’s an increase in brands visibility through media monitoring agencies etc. If there’s no increase or a dip, that means the ad campaign communication was not effective.
Effective communication leads to a smooth campaign in the advertising world.